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I suppose the intro say's it all really. What would be great and really useful is if you could give me some feedback on the site and the content. Don't worry if you haven't got anything to contribute to the site itself. A simple review will let me know that you have had a look and may give some ideas for the sites evolution.
​Just go to contact to send your review via the comment / review / contribute box.


The Cozo Ruel website is sort of like a mirror that reflects whatever you place before it.
But that’s where the similarity ends, because this mirror can be any, or all, of three types of mirror.
The first mirror can be a “one way” mirror, that lets the observer see how others portray themselves to the world.
The observer doesn’t have to take part unless it feels right to do so.
The second mirror is a “two way” mirror that is exactly the same as a one way mirror, only this time the observer chooses to allow others to observe, when it feels right to do so.
The third mirror is a “window mirror”.
This mirror will only reflect, what others see, as opposed to how you see yourself.
I have gained so much from contributing and participating in the Cozo Ruel experience that I want to pass on my recommendation to anyone who wants to explore the potential to personally create something that is valued by others.
Choose a window that suits you and unlock the path to an amazing look at the hidden you.
It only takes an original quote, a quip or an anecdote, to start you off to achieve, what could be the most surprising thing that you never ever thought you could do.

Mike Newman